The easiest way to find, compare, and book expert cosmetic practitioners and injectors.
We verify medical registration before listing an practitioner on Stella.
We drive compliance with industry advertising regulations and guidelines.
We continually review practitioners and incorporate feedback from clients.
Whether you know what you need or want help, we make finding a practitioner simple.
If you know what you’re looking for, search practitioners on Stella and review information about their qualifications, experience and skills. Ideal for clients with specific needs who want to view detailed profiles to make informed decisions.
If you’re unsure of what you need Posting- a-Concern allows you to describe your specific goals and budget. Practitioners reach out for a consultation and tailored solutions, so you get responses from those best equipped to help you.
If you're not sure where to start, book a online consultation with a Stella Practitioner. They provide personalised advice, pricing information and connect you with the most suitable practitioner for your needs, making it a great choice for those new to cosmetic treatments or seeking expert advice.
A faster, better, easier way to find Cosmetic Practitioners.
Here's what clients who've seen Stella have to say.
“It's one of those things you didn't know you were missing.”
“Stella's fantastic, everything you need to make a call in one place.”
"It's so much easier than jumping between Google and Insta to find a nurse.”
Australian Law regulates advertising information such as treatment and pricing information for prescription treatments before a professional consultation, online or in-person.